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WHAT IS TIRE CUPPING? This type of tire tread wear can be a sign of bigger issues with your vehicle

What is tire cupping?

Tire cupping is an uneven tread wear pattern that looks like abnormally worn patches compared to the tire's less-worn parts. It can appear as if someone took an ice cream scoop and scooped out part of the tread every three to four inches around the circumference. It is also sometimes referred to as “scalloped tires”.

Tire Cupping Technician


Tire tread will naturally wear down over time, but ideally, the wear pattern is consistent. An uneven tread wear pattern is usually a symptom of a larger issue with your vehicle. Tire cupping is a type of uneven tread wear that is usually caused by:

  • Misaligned tires: When the tires aren’t rolling straight, they won’t connect with the road evenly and certain spots will wear out more quickly than others.
  • Worn suspension and shocks/struts: As suspension components wear out, they lose their ability to keep the car from bouncing. The bouncing creates uneven points of pressure on the tires and can lead to cupping.
  • Unbalanced tires: If weight isn’t evenly distributed around the wheel, it can cause certain sections of the tread to meet the road with more force and lead to cupping. Regular wheel alignment and tirel balancing services can help you avoid this.


Just like other tire tread wear issues, tire cupping is recognizable if you’re paying attention. Signs of tire cupping include:

  • Tire noise: Increased noise over time, especially at highway speeds.
  • Vibrating or shaking: Steering wheel vibration could mean the front wheels are unbalanced, while seat vibrations could mean the back wheels are unbalanced.
  • Vehicle pulling to one side: Misaligned tires can cause a vehicle to drift or veer to one side. Alignment issues go hand in hand with tire cupping.
  • Visual signs: Look for uneven scooped patches of worn tread.


Short of replacing your tires, there isn’t much you can do to repair worn tread caused by tire cupping. But, if you catch the problem early, you can prevent it from getting worse. The first step is to identify what is causing the uneven wear. Bring your car in for a suspension inspection to find out if worn out parts need to be replaced.

A Firestone Complete Auto Care technician can recommend purchasing a new set.