Let’s Get You an Oil Change

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7980 S Broadway
Littleton, CO

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Most stores are open nights and weekends

Store Hours:
Day(s) Hours
MON-FRI: 7:00am-7:00pm
SAT: 7:00am-6:00pm
SUN: 9:00am-5:00pm
Easter: Closed
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PennzoilⓇ High Mileage Motor Oil with Active Cleansing Agents™

Visit your nearest Firestone Complete Auto Care for a premier oil change service with Pennzoil high mileage oil. Schedule your appointment online!

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Specially Designed to Care for Older Engines

You don't need a new car, you just need to unleash the one you already have. PennzoilⓇ High Mileage Motor Oil with Active Cleansing Agents™ can help you do just that. It is a motor oil that has been expertly enhanced with a combination of unique conditioning agents and additives. PennzoilⓇ High Mileage motor oil is specifically designed with the needs of older engines in mind, typically those with more than 75,000 miles on them. It helps reduce oil consumption, minimize leaks and oil seepage, and reduce smoke and emissions. Ready to make the switch to PennzoilⓇ high mileage oil? Schedule your oil change service online and visit your nearest Firestone Complete Auto Care today!

Benefits of PennzoilⓇ High Mileage Motor Oil

  • Helps reduce leaks and oil consumption
  • Helps clean out engine sludge
  • Available in the following viscosities: 5W-20, 5W-30, 10W-30, 10W-40


Is PennzoilⓇ High Mileage Motor Oil Right For Me?

This high mileage motor oil may be right for your car or truck if:

  • Your engine has over 75,000 miles on it
  • You've noticed oil spots in your driveway or parking spot
  • Your engine's oil consumption has been steadily increasing

Find oil by vehicle here. 


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Oil Change

Why Is My Oil Light On?

What does it mean when the oil light comes on? Rarely anything good. Learn the common causes of illuminated oil warning lights—from low oil to faulty sensors.

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Is It OK to Mix Synthetic Oil with Regular Oil (+ Other Combinations)

Can you mix synthetic oil with regular oil? What about different oil brands or weights? Learn how mixing oils affects them and what it can mean for your engine.

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Oil Change

What Happens If You Don’t Change Your Oil Filter?

Don't let your engine suffer! Learn what your engine oil filter does, how often you need to replace it, and what might happen if you don’t change it.

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