Is Your Car Getting the Preventative Maintenance It Needs?

  • Jan 30,2018
Is Your Car Getting the Preventative Maintenance It Needs? Is Your Car Getting the Preventative Maintenance It Needs?

You rely on your vehicle to get you everywhere. You need it to run smoothly and run for a long time. If you’re not staying on top of these six services, though, your car may not be getting the attention it needs to live its longest life. Find out what these preventative maintenance services are and how they can help your car live its longest, most cost-efficient life!

Get an oil & oil filter change:

As often as your vehicle manufacturer recommends.

Your car needs regular oil and oil filter changes, period. Motor oil lubricates the engine, keeps your vehicle from overheating, and basically helps your engine run as it should. Naturally, this oil gets dirty and gunky over time.

During an oil change, your car gets clean oil and a clean filter so it can keep doing this very important job!

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Follow the specifications set by your vehicle manufacturer. If you're not sure how often to get an oil change, view your maintenance schedule online or stop by your nearest location for in-person guidance.

Every 6 months:

Rotate your tires.

All tires wear down over time, but they wear down differently depending on their position. For example, your front tires typically work harder and wear more quickly than your back tires.

During a tire rotation, your tires are removed, swapped, and remounted. Regular rotations help all four tires wear down at the same rate.

Tires should be rotated every six months/6,000 to 8,000 miles.

Every 6 months:

Balance and align wheels.

Wheel balancing and alignment is equally as important. Routine balancing will ensure that weight is distributed equally around the axel so that your tire doesn’t wobble or bump along down the road.

Wheel alignment, on the other hand, consists of making sure your tires are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the road, improving your drive comfort and fuel efficiency simultaneously.

Getting your tires balanced and aligned every 6,000 miles or six months will keep your car on the straight and narrow!

Every 6 to 12 months:

Install new windshield wipers.

Windshield wipers aren’t something you rely on every day. But on the days when you need them, you really need them. Your windshield wipers will stop making proper contact with your windshield over time, causing them to leave streaks and smears. This results in decreased visibility for you – not good!

After a few seasons of rain, sleet, snow, and sun, the rubber on your wiper blades can really start to deteriorate. Don’t get caught in a downpour with crummy wipers and poor visibility. Get your windshield wipers inspected and replaced every time you notice they aren’t keeping your view of the road clean and clear (or every six months or so).

Every 3 to 5 years:

Clean and test your battery.

A dead battery can leave you stranded at the most inconvenient times—although it’s always inconvenient to be stranded! Luckily, there are ways to help prevent being blindsided by a dead battery.

Whether you’re experiencing strange symptoms or you've had your battery for a long time, you can bring your car into Firestone Complete Auto Care for a free battery test. We’ll let you know if your battery is good to go or if it’s on its deathbed.

A little DIY battery maintenance can go a long way, too. Keep your car battery running stronger and longer with routine battery terminal cleaning. The best part? You probably already have all the supplies you need!

About every 30,000 miles:

Replace spark plugs.

Your vehicle’s spark plugs are responsible for starting your car – in other words, they've got a pretty big job. Over time, spark plugs face difficulties caused by extreme temperatures, normal wear and tear, and outside debris and contaminants.

Spark plugs don’t need maintenance as often as some other components, but shouldn’t be neglected. Most manufacturers suggest getting new spark plugs every 30,000 miles or so.

At various mileage intervals:

Change interior/exterior filters.

Your oil filter isn’t the only filter that needs replacing.

  • Your vehicle’s air filter removes dust and debris from the air before it goes into the engine. Replace your air filter every 30-40,000 miles, or according to manufacturer specifications.
  • Your car’s cabin air filter cleans the air before it flows through your air conditioner, preventing you from getting a face full of pollen, dust, and other pollutants. Replace your cabin air filter every 15-20,000 miles, or once a year.
  • Your car’s fuel filter keeps dirt, debris, and other contaminants from obstructing and clogging up your fuel lines. Replace the fuel filter every 20-40,000 miles, or according to manufacturer specifications.

All of these filters will get gunky and contaminated over time, meaning that they need to be regularly replaced in order to do their job effectively.

Visit us for the right maintenance, at the right time.

This might all sound complicated, but our expert technicians make it a breeze. In the end, preventative maintenance is as simple as getting the right service at the right time. This helps catch and prevent problems as early as possible. (See why it's called preventative maintenance now?!) Start with a thorough vehicle inspection to find out exactly what kind of attention your car needs. Book an appointment at your local Firestone Complete Auto Care to get started down the right path today!

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