Jumpstarting a Car and Other Battery Tips

  • Aug 22,2016
jump-starting-a-car jump-starting-a-car

Quick Tips: Maintenance

Tip #1: Backup Power and Connectors

Lights off / accessories unplugged. All it takes is one light left on overnight or accessories plugged in while your car is off and guess what? Your battery is dead before you know it. If it’s too late, make sure you have jumper cables on hand, or better yet, a self-powering car battery jumper in your trunk.

Tip #2: Conserve Energy

“Just say no” to short trip after short trip. Your battery requires time to charge. If you take frequent short trips, this can result in inconsistent charge levels and/or a drained battery.

Tip #3: Professional Maintenance

Failure is not an option. Always have a qualified professional inspecting your electrical systems. We offer a full electrical system check and have certified ASE technicians on staff.

Tip #4: Keep It Cool

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Parking in cooler locations (covered garages) in hotter climates can help, but your best bet is to have your battery tested, at the very least, before summer. Prepare for the worst and you may just avoid it altogether. That’s a win-win situation there.

Tip #5: Clean It Up

Make sure your vehicle’s battery terminals are kept clean and free of corrosion.

Tip #6: Timely Up-Keep

Always have a qualified professional maintain your electrical system and make sure to have quality replacement parts installed when existing electrical system parts fail.

Quick Tips: Jumping a Battery

Tip #1:

Never connect the black cable to the negative (–) terminal on your dead battery. This is very dangerous, as it could result in an explosion.

Tip #2:

Make sure you follow the instructions in your owner’s manual when jumpstarting your vehicle. Every car is different. Trust us. We’re experts.

Warning: Do not, under any circumstance, attempt to connect loose wires. Unless you are a certified technician, leave the dangerous stuff to us. If you mishandle the wiring, it’s very easy to short out expensive computer components and put yourself in harm’s way.

Top Questions and Answers.

How do I jumpstart a battery?

Believe it or not, today’s vehicles have various methods for jumpstarting car batteries. It’s no longer just a simple “connect this cable here and that one there” scenario.

Please refer to your owner’s manual for instructions relating to jumpstarting your specific vehicle. Many vehicles have crucial steps that must be followed precisely so you can protect your electrical system and have a successful jump.

If you’re still experiencing issues with your battery, stop into any of our locations for a battery test, and we’ll get your car back up and running in no time.

Why can’t you connect the black jumper cable to the dead battery’s negative (–) terminal?

Oh, you know, to avoid explosions and what not. Bet you didn’t think a dead battery could create that, huh?

Typically, when a person jumpstarts a car, sparks can occur. That’s why it is recommended that you connect the negative jumper cable to the vehicle body and not the negative post of the battery. This is so you can avoid sparks from occurring near the battery where flammable hydrogen gas may be present, resulting in a possible explosion.


Quick Tip:










    • Never connect the black cable to the negative (–) terminal on your dead battery. This is very dangerous, could result in a possible explosion.
    • Make sure you follow the instructions in your owner’s manual when jumpstarting your vehicle. Every car is different. Trust us. We’re experts.









    How do I reconnect loose battery wires?

    Warning: Do not, under any circumstance, attempt to connect loose wires. Unless you are a certified technician, leave the dangerous stuff to us. If you mishandle the wiring, it’s very easy to short out expensive computer components and put yourself in harm’s way.

    We’ll set your battery wires straight. Schedule battery maintenance today.

    Knowledge is power. To keep batteries powered-up.

    “Prepare for the best, and expect the worst.” There, we said it. And in the case of your car battery, it’s true since factors like weather, brief, battery-draining car trips and an electronics-overload approach to driving can curtail battery life. By bringing your ride to us for battery and electrical system checks — you’ll know where your ‘no start’ status stands and what to do next.







  • Stop in for a complete electrical check.
  • Read up on our current battery deals and specials.
  • Test your car battery life with our Virtual Battery Tester.
  • Find the right battery for your exact vehicle — at the right price.
  • Enter your zip code to find a store near you.




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